
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Usiri Avakaya & Nilva Pachadi


Haaa. A little busy with my elder brothers son marriage and then my daughter, son-in-law and Dhanvi came from U.K to visit us. I became little slow in posting my yummy yummy recipies in my blog named Kusumas Abhiruchi.

Let us start the recipe. Today I am going to show you about amazing and best fruit ie usirikaya / amla/gooseberies avakaya and nilva pachadi.

Let us know some thing about this best  and rare fruit amla which contains all tastes except salty. Amla is a rich source of Vitamin 'C' and also can benefit you as it is found to have lot of good qualities. Benefits as antioxidant for diabetes. Amla eaten in any form benefits our body. It is also a common ingredient in ayurvedic preparations. It usually available in fresh and dry form.

We used to drink water after eating fresh usirikaya. See the lovely sweet feeling in your mouth.

Now let us come to the recipe. First one is usiri avakaya. Second one is nilava pachdi.

Ingredients for usiri avakaya

  • Usiri kayalu                      1 kg
  • Red mirchi powder           1/4 kg
  • Salt                                  1/4 kg
  • Mustard seeds                  100 gms (make it into fine powder)  
  • Fenugreek seeds               2 tbsp ( roast and make into fine powder)
  • Fresh lemon juice             1/4 cup
  • Turmeric powder   
  •  Oil                                         100 gms

How to prepare

  1. Wash amla and dry  them on kitchen towel.
  2. Put some scars on it with knife.
  3. Take kadai, add oil and heat it on a low flame.
  4. Fry amla on low flame till they turn into golden brown.
  5. Stir frequently, so that get cooked evenly.
  6. Take into wide bowl and let it cool for room temperature.
  7. Mix salt, mustard powder, feenugreek powder, red chilli powder and turmeric powder to fried amla and mix well with dry spoon.
  8. Finally add fresh lemon juice and mix well.

       Store this usiri avakaya in air tight glass jar. Let it stew for 4 to 5 days. It gives more taste as usiri kaya soaks well in spices.

Serve this usiri avakaya with idly and upma also.We can take this as side dish for curd rice.

 This usiri avakaya lasts for 5 to 6 months with yummy taste.

Try this yummy yummy usiri avakaya by your self and let others know. So that  they can try confidently try this recipe.



  • Usiri kayalu                              1 kg
  • Salt                                          1/4 kg 
  • Turmeric powder                      1/2 tbsp

How to prepare

  1. Wash amla and dry them on kitchen napkin.
  2. Make sure that amla would be without any sign of moisture.
  3. Then pound them with a pestle and mortar into small pieces.
  4. Remove/discard the seeds.
  5. Take these pounded pieces into a wide basin.
     6     Add turmeric powder and salt to it immediately.
     7.    Mix well and keep in in glass bowl for 3 days.
     8.    Next day it would become little soft.
     9.    Pound it into a smooth paste.
    10.   Spread plantain leaf in the bottom of the jar keep the above prepared usiri paste on it.Cover with one more plantain leaf and tight the lid.
    11.   So that the colour ie yellowesh green colour of usiri pachdi would not change.
I learn this tip from my grand mother. Don't add green mirchi or red mirchi. This nilva pachdi lasts for 1 year.

Whenever you are ready to serve, do this...

Add 2 tbsp of oil in a kadai. When oil is hot oil is hot on low flame add 1 tbsp of feenugreek seeds let it fry then add 1 tbsp of mustard seeds let them pop then add 2 red chillies and fry them. Let it cool. Separate the oil  and grind the fried ingredients into fine powder and add handful of prepared usiri nilva pachdi to it and grind for 1 second. Transfer this pachadi into a bowl.  Heat the remaining oil and add pinch of hing and add to usiri pachdi mix it well with a dry spoon. You feel wonderful and comforting flavor of hing.

See the yummy taste of usiri pachadi.

It goes well with rice with a drop of ghee.

The way to mix the pachdi with garama garam rice is with your palm and fingers. Feed your loved family ones with this yummy usiri pachdia with hand made mudda. Heaven!!!

Prajval my lovely grand son likes this very much. I give the first mudda with this usri pachadi as it is good for digestion also.


  • Use dry spoon and dry jar only for long lasting any pachadi. 
  • Make sure about trace of moisture on usiri kayalu. Otherwise pachdi will spoil.


  1. my mom had done this long ago when plenty of avakkai gravy left she used to just mix amla and lo a beautiful achar ready in a few days

  2. thanks for giving niluva pachadi

  3. thank u for the niluva pachadi...was looking for the recipe allover...
